jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012


Pak Chaesam     (박채삼, 1933 - 1997)       
Nació en Tokio, Japón en 1933, pero se mudó a Samchunpo en Corea, el pueblo natal de su madre a la edad de cuatro años. Asistió a la Universidad  de Corea, su primer libro de poemas La mente de Chunhyang fue publicado en 1962.

Pak Chae-Sam was born in Tokyo, Japan in, 1933, but he moved to Samchunpo in Korea, his mother's hometown, when he was four. He attended the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Korea University but left without a degree. He established himself as a promising poet by publishing "In the River" in Munye (Literature and Art) in 1953 and "Providence" and "Stillness" in Hyundae Munhak (Modern Literature) in 1955. His first book of poems, The Mind of Chunhyang, was published in 1962. Since then he has published numerous books of poems including In the Sunshine (1970), A Thousand Year-old Wind (1975), Besides the Young Ones (1976), The Autumn Tree Listening to the Rain (1981), My Love (1985), An Autumn River In Tears Afire (1987), and The Trace of the Sun and the Moon (1990). He has also won several awards including The Literature of Peace Award in 1987 and Cho Yeon-Hyun Literature Award in 1988.   
Pak Chae-Sam's poetry is a linguistic and artistic celebration of the indigenous Korean language and the traditional Korean sentiment called han, sadness and woe suppressed and coagulated in the heart. His poetry claims that we have to restore a linguistic sense embedded in Korean language and the archetypal sentiment of han in order to fully develop the potential of Korean poetry. Pak creates a poetic world full of intimate and secret conversations and monologues by adopting indigenous, colloquial language. In his poetry han, often induced by an unattainable or unfulfilled love, is not something that persists and suppresses the poet forever; it is usually sublimated into beauty. Pak's poems are also dense with natural images such as rivers, brooks, trees, leaves, wind, sunshine, and moonlight. In his poetry, as we can see in the following translations, nature is not a mere object to appreciate but signifies a perfect world in which principles of human life and eternal beauty are embodied. Thus, the wandering poet suffering from archetypal grief and a sense of personal imperfection finds ultimate consolation and the fundamental truth of life in nature.   
Pak Chae-sam's poems have been given unstinted praise and welcome by the reading public who seek poetry deeply rooted in traditional Korean sentiments. In fact, he has been recognized by literary critics as a poet who has successfully addressed traditional Korean sentiments following Kim So-wol and Suh Jung-joo. Moreover, the simple and beautiful colloquial language and description of familiar natural scenes have made him one of the most adored and influential poets in Korea.   

El camino de regreso

Sobre  el helado camino,
la madre vuelve  al amanecer
empapada del pesado rocío nocturno;
después de un día de ventas.

No hay tarro de miel en la alacena
Sólo el polvo gris acumulado
Mientras  tanto los niños, tan pequeños para el trabajo,
Sin culpas, duermen tendidos aquí, allá.

Nadie ve, nadie comprende cuando ella sacude
la lluvia de estrellas que trae en la frente.
Cuando de sus mangas
se desprende la luz de la luna. 

Traductora: Indira Díaz 

First Love  

That person was my first love.   
After kissing me   
she couldn't raise her head   
I, too, cast my eyes away.   
Silky tresses   
gently swaying in the sky   
the fresh seaweed smell permeating   
unwittingly my heart in pain,   
that smell on my hands remained.  

Oh, shame! Oh, writhing!   
Look at the stream   
drawn through the valley   
wearing scales of water   
the current is weeping.   
Following the weeping current   
the overlain moonlight   
was also weeping.   

An Autumn River In Tears Afire  

When my mind cannot even sit in one place   
joining the autumn sunlight as my playmate   
I follow a friend's sorrowful story.   
Tears come to my eyes as we unwittingly   
approach the mountain ridge.  

Though the lights at my ancestral home   
are lit for our forebears' rites,   
I watch the autumn river at sunset in tears afire.  

Look at that! Look at that!   
Neither you, neither I   
Joyful first love, the sound of mountain water disappears,   
the sorrow of my next love's end melts away,   
now I see for the first time   
the silent autumn river   
nearing the sea with an unhinging story.   


Perhaps it's a persimmon tree,   
a tree yielding the fruit of my heart's love   
ripening by the sad glow of the sky.  

It seems that there's nowhere but the Otherworld   
where it can grow as it should   
and even there it spreads behind the person I remember   
and bends over their head for the last time.  

However, I don't know   
perhaps this person may become the beloved fruit   
they wished to plant in their front yard!   
In other words I don't know if they'd even realize   
that its color is all my griefs and all my hopes   
from a past life!   
But, then again,   
whether they lived in this world in grief or not   
I don't know, I don't know.   

A Rainy Day  

One afternoon in May   
a flowerless magnolia   
is drenched in rain.   
Bare magnolia with green leaves alone   
is drenched in rain.  

My broken-hearted sister   
her heart wholly torn apart   
once again   
receiving a letter   
from one who cannot come.  

Ah, tears pouring from the sky   
pooling on the earth   
this rainy day!   

A Tree  

Behold the waves of leaves   
forever swaying   
in the sun and breeze!  

the waves of your long skirt   
touch my giddy head   
troubles unravel like a song.   
Isn't this not so?  

A myriad acts of love and still a thirst unquenched,   
bubbles endlessly arising   
and even yet endlessly disappearing vanities,   
my beautiful one,   
should the brilliant love   
of that trembling tree be gone,   
there's nothing left to do in this world.   

Translated by Professor Kang Ja-mo and Frank Tedesco

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