jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012


Elise Cowen
Nada Elise Cowen (febrero 27,1933 hasta febrero 1,1962, Washington Heights,(Manhattan) fue una poeta que formó parte de la generación Beat, y muy cercana de Allen Ginsberg, una de las figuras más importantes del movimiento.
Nacida en una familia de clase media judía en Washington Heights, Nueva York, Cowen escribió poesía desde muy joven, influenciada por la obra de Emily Dickinson, TS Eliot, Ezra Pound, y Dylan Thomas.

Allen Ginsberg y Elise Cowen

Traducción de José Vicente Anaya


Sentada contigo en la cocina
conversamos de todo
y te amo bebiendo té.
“Eso” es la palabra perfecta,
regia y hermosa. ¡Oh,
cuánto deseo, aquí mismo, tu cuerpo,
con o sin poemas lengüetados!


Emily es la bruja blanca de Amherst.
           Es la tímida bruja blanca de Amherst
           que con amor mató a sus
            Pero yo prefiero sepultar a mi mente;
                                             o mejor,
             a esa suave paloma gris.

Quién me dará…

¿Quién me dará la
           nalgada cuando
vuelva a nacer?

¿Quién cerrará mis
           ojos cuando
a la hora de mi muerte
me vea?

La dama…

La dama es una cosa sumisa
hecha de agua y muerte.
La moda la viste con sobriedad y
usa su mente para coserle la bastilla.

The Lady...

The Lady is a humble thing
Made of death and water
The fashion is to dress it plain
And use the mind for border


Emily white witch of Amherst
The shy white witch of Amherst
Killed her teachers
With her love
I'll rather mine entomb
my mind
Or best that soft grey dove.


Teacher--your body my Kabbalah


The aroma of Mr. Rochesters cigars
among the flowers
  Bursting through
  I am trying to choke you
  Delicate thought
  Frankenstein of delicate grace
posed by my fear
  And you
  Take me by the throat

The body hungers before the soul
  And after thrusts for its own memory

Why not afraid to hurt elig--
couldn't hurt me except in wit, in funny
I couldn't, wouldn't art in relation
but with a rose or rather skunk cabbage

Just--Mere come I break through grey paper
What is the word from Deberoux Babtiste
the Funambule I
Desnuelu (who's he?) to choke you
Duhamel and you
De brouille Graciously
Deberaux Take me by the throat
French logic
Black daisy chain of nuns
Nous sommes tous assasins
Keith's jumping old man in the waves
morning dance of delicacy
"I want you to pick me up
when I fall down"
I wouldn't and fell
not even death
I waited for 
with the room
like cat shit
would take me
Donald's first bed wherein this fantasy
shame changing him to you
And you talking of plum blossom scrolls
and green automobiles
Shame making body thought
a game
Cat's cradle & imaginary
    lattices of knowledge & Bach
Fearing making guilt making shame
making fantasy & logic & game &
elegance of covering splendour
emptying memory of the event
covering splendour with mere elegance
sneer between the angels
Wouldn't couldn't
Fear of the killer
   dwarf with the bag of tricks & colonels picture
To do my killing for me
God is hidden
And not for picture postcards.

No love
No compassion
No intelligence
No beauty
No humility
Twenty-seven years is enough

Mother--too late--years of meanness--I'm sorry
Daddy--What happened?
Allen--I'm sorry
Peter--Holy Rose Youth
Berry--Such womanly bravery
Keith--Thank you
Joyce--So girl beautiful
Howard--Baby take care
Leo--open the windows and Shalom
Carol--Let it happen

Let me out now please--
--Please let me in

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