sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013


Gregor Podlogar nació en Ljubljana, ESLOVENIA en 1974. Se graduó en filosofía en la Universidad de Ljubljana. Sus poemas fueron publicados en varias revistas eslovenas, y su primera colección de poesía, States, salió en 1997. También escribe crítica literaria y reseñas de libros para la Radio Nacional y revistas Apokalipsa, Literatura y Nova Revija. Sus lecturas suelen ir acompañadas de actuaciones musicales, en el último período, especialmente por la música electrónica.

No abandones este pueblo

Me siento perdido
mis manos se agitan, yo no hablo
las nubes vagan más lejos hacia el este
el teléfono explotará en llamas,
demasiados llamados, no demasiado amor,
estoy escribiendo poemas para una Nueva Roma
cerca de una lluvia pesada
el viejo continente submarino en el medio del verano,
como alguien que trata de limpiar pecados, el dolor queda,
puedes llamarme de todas maneras, cuando estés dispuesto,
África no está tan lejos,
sólo extraño Asia a veces
me vuelvo más cercano a mí mismo, cuando estoy regresando,
cuando estoy casi en casa.

Publicado en http://www.ljudmila.org/litcenter/novo/brosura3.pdf
Traducido al inglés por Gregor Podlogar y Matthew Zapruder
Traducido del inglés por Myriam Rozenberg

Luči bombaya

Ko je nekega novembrskega jutra
Octavio Paz z ladjo prispel v Bombay,
je jokal. Galebi so bučno skovikali.
Iz jutra je vstajal še en sončen dan.
Topel veter je razvajal obalo ob mestu.
Tam je bil nekoč otok. Nekaj besed,
ki sta jih izmenjala pesnik in popotnik,
kasneje se je izkazalo, da je Audenov brat,
je zadostovalo za veličasten prihod v pristanišče.
Indijec poleg njiju je pomislil, spet ti Angleži.
Bilo je leta 1951. Otoški imperij se je zrušil,
sovraštvo med hindujci in muslimani
je vzcvetelo kot boji v pesnitvi stare Indije.
Otroci polnoči so že shodili
in Salman Rushdie je bil star štiri leta.
Množice razjarjenih so klale nedolžne,
stotisoči so bežali v novo domovino.
Lačni so potovali za hrano, ki je ni bilo.
Sanje velike nacije, ki to nikoli ni bila,
so se počasi začele valiti. Miti so umirali
in se začeli seliti na strani neprebranih knjig.
Nehru je razmišljal o gospodarstvu,
Gandijev napis s krvjo na zidu
My life is My Message je dokončno zbledel.
Skoraj pol stoletja kasneje je moja noga
prvič odtisnila neviden pečat v razgret
asfalt januarskega opoldneva.

Bombay je žarel, duhovi so plapolali.
Vse je bilo popolno kot v indijskem filmu.
Nisem prestopil praga. Nisem obšel dogajanja.
Vse obvezne nemilosti so takoj postale
del moje prtljage: kulturni šok, driska,
velemestni strah, kruti zobje revščine.
Nato rahlo tipanje za prostorom,
kamor bi lahko naselil svojo podobo.
Če sploh. Preveč gostote, preveč utripa.
Nisem prestopil praga. In nikoli ga ne bom.
Zvečer sem se potiho spraševal,
zakaj me Bombay spominja na New York,
na dotikanje umazanega neba,
na majhnega človeka, ki je izgubil dežnik
in neopazno zapravil življenje.
Malo časa je prešlo in vendar se mi zdi,
da so pretekla že leta, leta drugega življenja.
Kozmična matrica je ugašala skupaj
z mojo predstavo Indije.
Prvič sem za svojo mislijo začutil smrt.
In so se mi tresle noge. In sem pomislil,
da je za vse kriva indijska gromozanskost,
njena nerazdružljivost s kozmosom,
z naravo in človekom,
ki valovi v krogotoku dharme,
izenačen z vsem živim in umrlim.

Obstopil me je čuden mraz,
čeprav je tukaj za nas vedno toplo.
Evropska patetika je tonila
v globino neke indijske noči.
Mesto je odhajalo v sanje.
V daljavi so se prižgale zadnje luči,
v predmestjih so zakurili ognjišča.
Bombayev monolit je zastal.

Lights of bombay

When one November morning
Octavio Paz came to Bombay by boat,
he wept. Doves screeched loudly.
Out of the morning a new sunny day was rising.
Warm wind coddled the city's coastline.
Once there was an island there. A few words
exchanged by the poet and the traveller,
Auden's brother, as it turned out later,
sufficed for a glorious entry into the port.
An Indian standing nearby thought: Not the English again.
It was 1951. The island's empire crumbled,
the hatred between the Hindus and the Muslims
blossomed like battles in an old Indian epic.
Midnight's children had found their legs
and Salman Rushdie turned four.
The incensed mob slaughtered the innocent,
thousands fled to a new homeland.
The hungry searched for food that was nonexistent.
The dreams of a great nation that never was great
slowly began to tumble. Myths were dying and
began to move onto the pages of unread books.
Nehru thought about the economy,
Gandhi's inscription in blood on the wall
My life is my message had finally paled.
Almost half a century later my foot
left its first invisible imprint in the red-hot
asphalt of January midday.

Bombay was ablaze, spirits flared.

Everything was perfect as in an Indian film.
I didn't cross the line. I didn't take it all in.
All the imperative ills at once became
part of my baggage: the cultural shock, diarrhoea,
the fear of the city, the gnashing teeth of poverty.
Then the frail groping after space
where I could settle my presence.
If at all. Too dense, too vibrant.
I didn't cross the line. And I never will.
At night I would ask myself quietly
why is it Bombay reminds me of New York,
of the scraping of the unclean sky,
of everyman who had lost his umbrella
and imperceptibly wasted his life.
Little time had passed, and yet years
seemed to have gone by, years in another life.
The cosmic matrix was dying out
with my vision of India.
For the first time I felt death behind my thoughts.
And my legs shook. And it came over me:
India's enormity was the cause of it all,
her intimacy with the cosmos,
with nature and man
who undulates in the dharmic cycle,
at one with everything living and dead.

A peculiar chill came over me,
though for us it is never really cold here.
European sentimentality sank
into the fathomless depths of an Indian night.
The city walked into a dream.
In the distance the last lights lit up,
in the suburbs fireplaces were set ablaze,
Bombay's monolith came to a halt.

translated from the Slovene by Ana Jelnikar


Bilo je pozimi, konec dvajsetega stoletja,
nekje v Aziji, zahodno od žalosti,
zarisano na zemljevidu mojih pogledov.
Ure so odtekale v starodavne templje
in se tam srečevale z mojo odsotnostjo.
Ničesar ni bilo več, kar bi lahko izrekel.
Ne spominjam se niti kraja,
preveč odprtosti je bilo,
preveč potovanj po občutku oddaljenosti.
Sanje so odšle skupaj s potepuškimi psi.
Nikogar ni bilo, ki bi lahko oplazil
moj prag ljubezni, moj prag samote.
Spominjam se le tvojega glasu
iz stare telefonske slušalke, odmeva,
ki ga je skozi žice prenesla puščava.


It was in winter, at the close of the twentieth century,
somewhere in Asia, west of sadness,
marked onto the map of my glances.
Hours oozed into ancient temples
and there encountered my absence.
Nothing was left to be uttered.
I cannot even remember the place,
it was all too open,
too many journeys in the feeling of distance.
Dreams have left together with stray dogs.
No one was there to brush against
my threshold of love, my threshold of solitude.
All I can remember is your voice
from the old receiver, an echo,
carried over the wire by the desert.

translated from the Slovene by Ana Jelnikar

Dvajseti avgust

Danes je tihi ponedeljek.
Stebri megle potujejo z ljudmi slabe volje.
Stene pisarn z njimi dihajo isti zrak,
ista občutja, mislijo iste misli.
Danes sem z vsemi stvarmi kot otrok.
Še vedno pišem s svinčnikom,
še vedno divjam s kolesom,
da bi za hip ubežal življenju.
Danes razumem, da se je stoletje zaprlo
kot pokrov kanalizacije. Novice so prazne.
Ljudje niso pametnejši. Politika ne bo umrla.
Za nami ne bo ostalo nič, razen blebetanje.
Danes so delavci spet razkopali cesto.
Zdi se, da iščejo zlato. Velika votlina,
ki so jo izdolbli v gramoz, je podobna
vhodu v jamo iz kamene dobe. Kakšno veselje.

The twentieth of august

Today is the quiet Monday.
Pillars of fog travel with moody people.
The office walls breathe the same air with them,
the same feelings, think the same thoughts.
Today I am child-like with everything.
I am still writing with a pencil,
I am still romping about on my bicycle
trying to get away from life, if only for a moment.
Today I understand that the century has been shut
like a sewer lid. The news is empty.
People are no wiser. Politics will not die.
And the only thing to survive us will be prattle.
Today workers have been digging up the road again.
They seem to be searching for gold. The big cavern
they hollowed out in the gravel looks like
an entrance into a stone age cave.What great fun.

translated from the Slovene by Ana Jelnikar

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