lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012


Desmond O'Grady
Desmond M. O'Grady es un periodista australiano, autor y dramaturgo que ha residido y trabajado en Roma desde 1962.
Desmond Michael O'Grady, (nacido el 11 de diciembre de 1929) nació en Melbourne, Australia, es hijo de Edward O'Grady y Winifred O'Grady (Kiernan). 


Eat from God’s Hand, Chapman, London 1965; St Paul, New York 1967 (non-fiction).
A Long Way from Home. Cheshire, Melbourne 1966 (stories)
Deschooling Kevin Carew, Wren, Melbourne 1974 (novel)
Valid for All Countries, UQP, Brisbane 1979 (stories)
Raffaello! Raffaello! Hale & Iremonger, Sydney 1983 (biography). Finalist Age Book of the Year Award.
Caesar, Christ and Constantine, OSV Huntington 1991 (history) published also by HarperCollins, London, as The Victory of the Cross.
Correggio Jones and the Runaways, CIS, Melbourne 1995 (essays)
The Turned Card- Christianity Before and after the Wall, Loyola, Chicago, 1997. (current affairs) Published also in England and in four foreign language editions.
Rome Reshaped, Continuum, New York 1999 (history) (Five foreign language editions).
Beyond the Empire, Crossroad, New York 2001 (history)
Stages of the Revolution: a biography of Raffaello Carboni of the Eureka Stockade. HardieGrant, Melbourne 2004. Italian edition 2008, winner of the Calabria Prize
The Sibyl, the Shepherd and the Saint. Rome 2007 ( travel)
Dinny Going Down. Arcadia Melbourne 2007 ( novel ) which concerns a Sydney journalist. Philip Knightley described it as “amusing, illuminating, touching and informative. “ Compared to Evelyn Waugh’s Scoop.
Tuscany Antipodean-Style Florence 2010
A Word in Edgeways Melbourne 2010


Contemplé mis días y vi que
con la primera afirmación del verano 
debo dejar todo lo que conocí: 
la casa, la familiaridad de la familia, 
compañeros y recuerdos de la niñez,
un porvenir cortado como un traje a medida,
una vida ordenada entre mis amigos de la escuela.
Contemplé cara a cara a mi futuro:
vi viajes a lugares distantes, la diaria pelea para sobrevivir
en ciudades extranjeras con lenguas extranjeras 
y pequeños cuartos alquilados durante noches 
sin compañía, con a veces el consuelo
de un amable brazo anónimo sobre la almohada.
Contemplé los rostros a mi alrededor
y vi el final de mis días corno un barco que regresa, 
con su vigía cantando en las jarcias,
Vi mi vida y fui hacia ella,
como un marino parte solo a la noche de su casa 
y va hacia el puerto con sus pertenencias atadas, 
y zarpa hacia la oscuridad.

Traducido por Jorge Fonderbrider y Gerardo Romano


I looked at my days and saw that 
with the first affirmation of summer
I must leave all I knew: the house,
the familiarity of family.
companions and memories of childhood,
a future cut out like a tailored suit.
a settled life among school friends.

I looked face to face at my future:
saw voyages to distant places,
saw the daily scuffle for survival
in foreign towns with loreing tonges
and small rented rooms on companionless
nights with sometimes the solace
a gentle anonymous arm on the pillow.

I looked at the faces about me
and saw my day's end as a returned ship,
its witness singing in the rigging.

I saw my life and I walked out to it.
as a seaman walks out alone at night frouo
his house down to the port with his bundled
belongings. and sails into the dark.

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